The City of Pataskala will accept Letters of Interest and Resumes for the following:
Council 3rd Ward
Applicants are required to be an elector of the 3rd Ward in the City of Pataskala to apply or be considered for this position. The compensation is set at $5,000.00 per year.
Council meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month and other times as required.
Candidates for Council shall have been electors* of the City or any area annexed to the City for at least two years immediately prior to the time they file for office and remain so qualified during their term of office. Members of Council shall not hold any other public office or employment with the City during a term, except they may hold office in a political party or be a delegate to a political party convention, serve as a notary public, serve as a member or officer in the military reserve or national guard, serve in any office, position or capacity to represent the municipality or to further intergovernmental cooperation, and may hold any office permitted by the Charter or the laws of Ohio.
All Letters of Interest may be delivered to the Office of the Clerk of Council located at City Hall, 621 W. Broad Street, faxed to 740-927-0679, or e-mailed to no later than noon July 26, 2022. Interviews will be held on August 1, 2022 at 7:00 PM.
If you have any question please call Kathy Hoskinson at 740-927-4671 or email to .
Kathy Hoskinson
Clerk of Council