Tim Hickin – The City Administrator

The City Administrator is the Chief Appointed Officer of the City of Pataskala. They are responsible for the day to day operations of the City. Departments reporting to the City Administrator include Utilities, Planning & Zoning, Public Service, and Parks & Recreation, and the Administrator is responsible for employment matters for the City.

The City Administrator prepares and submits the annual budget of the City to City Council for its approval. They attend all City Council meetings and presents the Administrator’s Report and Departmental Reports on the status of the City’s operations at each regularly scheduled Council meeting. The City Administrator serves as the primary contact for economic development inquiries for the City. Superior customer service is a primary goal of the City’s administrative offices.

Contact the City Administrator

Citizens are encouraged to contact the City Administrator with any questions or comments they may have regarding the operations of the City. The City is committed to providing the very best customer service possible with the resources available. The City’s Administration is committed to expanding the quality of life in our community. You can reach the City Administrator, Tim Hickin by calling 740-964-2416 or by email at thickin@ci.pataskala.oh.us 

Chris Sharrock – Assistant City Administrator

You can reach the Assistant City Administrator, Chris Sharrock by calling the office at 740-919-4869,  740-438-4997 or by email at csharrock@ci.pataskala.oh.us. 

Jessica Cumbo – Administrative Assistant/Council Clerk

The Administrative Assistant is the go-to person to provide support to all City departments. The person in this position will be cross-trained with the Council Clerk and the Mayor’s Court Clerk, Planning/Zoning Clerk and the Utilities Clerk to provide backup coverage when needed. The Administrative Assistant is responsible for answering the main phone line for the City Administration Offices, knowing the basic information about each department, assisting in answering the questions you may have or transferring you to the right department.

This position is responsible for managing our park shelter rentals and the issuance of garage sale permits.

Contact the Administrative Assistant

You can reach the Administrative Assistant by calling City Hall at 740-927-2021 or by emailing jcumbo@ci.pataskala.oh.us

City Hall is open from 8am to 4pm M-F and closed for government holidays.