The local Lions Club’s along with other groups will be hosting the Fireworks again this year in Foundation Park! Fireworks start at 10 pm but there will be activities throughout the day. More information will be posted once a schedule is made. Activities could possibly start at 9am. If this changes, the event time will be updated.
A few things Mayor Mike asks:
Please observe and respect the fireworks safe zones
No parking or driving on the grass unless instructed or part of the car show
No alcohol
No pets
No outside fireworks including sparklers
No riding bikes inside park… park them or walk them
No politics
No motorized vehicles
Absolutely NO DRONES
The roads leading into the park (McIntosh and John Reese Pwky) will be limited parking to one side of the street. There will be signs posted.
For more information about the events taking place on the 3rd please reach out to Mayor Mike at 740-919-1929