The Council of the City of Pataskala will consider and take action on Ordinance 2021-4406, an ordinance repealing Ordinance 2021-4402 and (re)approving the current replacement pages to the Pataskala Codified Ordinances and declaring an emergency at their regularly scheduled November 15, 2021 meeting held at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers, the following sections will be included:
Traffic Code
301.183 Low-Speed Micromobility Device. (Added)
301.22 Pedestrian. (Amended)
301.51 Vehicle. (Amended)
331.211 Report of Vehicle Failing to Yield Right of Way to Public Safety
Vehicle. (Amended)
331.37 Driving Upon Sidewalks, Street Lawns or Curbs. (Amended)
333.03 Maximum Speed Limits. (Amended)
335.02 Permitting Operation Without Valid License; One License
Permitted. (Amended)
335.021Ohio Driver’s License Required for In State Residents. (Amended)
335.04 Certain Acts Prohibited. (Amended)
335.09 Display of License Plates or Validation Stickers; Temporary
License Placard. (Amended)
371.13 Operation of Personal Delivery Device on Sidewalks and
Crosswalks. (Added)
371.14 Low-Speed Micromobility Devices. (Added)
373.10 Motorized Bicycle Operation. (Amended)
373.12 Electric Bicycles. (Amended)
General Offenses Code
501.99 Penalties for Misdemeanors. (Amended)
505.071Cruelty to Companion Animals. (Amended)
509.07 Making False Alarms. (Amended)
513.01 Drug Abuse Control Definitions. (Amended)
521.08 Littering and Deposit of Garbage, Rubbish, Junk, Etc. (Amended)
525.13 Interfering with Civil Rights. (Amended)
529.01 Liquor Control Definitions. (Amended)
529.07 Open Container Prohibited. (Amended)
533.08 Procuring; Engagement in Sexual Activity for Hire. (Amended)
533.09 Soliciting. (Amended)
533.091Loitering to Engage in Solicitation. (Amended)
533.10 Prostitution. (Amended)
533.15 Dissemination of Private Sexual Images. (Added)
537.02 Vehicular Homicide and Manslaughter. (Amended)
537.17 Reserved. (Previously “Criminal Child Enticement”)
541.04 Criminal Mischief. (Amended)
541.05 Criminal Trespass. (Amended)
541.051Aggravated Trespass. (Amended)
545.03 Property Exceptions as Felony Offense. (Amended)
545.09 Passing Bad Checks. (Amended)
549.02 Carrying Concealed Weapons. (Amended)
549.06 Unlawful Transactions in Weapons. (Amended)
553.05 Railroad Vandalism. (Amended)