Public Service Announcement
Please be advised that Capital City Group, Inc. will be transporting a large piece of equipment through the City tomorrow, Saturday, March 10th. The route will begin behind 84 Lumber, proceed north on Park Street, then head east on SR 16 through town, and then south on Watkins Rd. to the substation located near the railroad tracks off of Watkins Rd. This load is very large, very heavy, and will be moving very slowly. The move is scheduled to begin at 7:30 am, and continue as long as needed to achieve their destination. Note that Jess Howard electric will have several bucket trucks out ahead of the load to raise traffic signals as the load proceeds through town, and that the County will be closing portions of Watkins Road during the move. The State Highway Patrol will be providing escort, and will be directing traffic as needed to clear back-ups; however, delays are to be expected while this equipment is in transit. Please avoid this area of Broad Street if possible during the morning to avoid delays. We thank you for your patience during this operation.