
The City of Pataskala has placed a Parks Improvement Levy on the November 7th general election ballot. I want to take this opportunity to provide some facts about the levy.

The millage amount of proposed levy is 0.75-mills. Based on current valuation in Pataskala, this 0.75-mills would generate $252,501 annually for parks improvements. This equates to an annual levy payment from residents of $26.25 per $100,000 of home valuation.

Per $100,000 home valuation, this equates to about $0.07 cents per day; $0.49 per week, $2.11 per month.

City Council has committed that every dollar generated ($252,501 annually) from this levy would be used to make hard, permanent improvements in the parks. This includes the addition of new amenities for use by resident and ongoing maintenance of existing amenities. NONE OF THE LEVY REVENUE WILL BE USED TO PAY WAGES OR BENEFITS FOR PARKS DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES. The wages and benefits will be covered by the City’s general fund revenue. This approach will result in residents “seeing their tax dollars at work” through the improvements that will be made in the parks.

The city’s Parks Advisory Board will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, September 12th beginning at 7:00 p.m. to provide information about the parks levy and how the money will be used. This meeting will be held at the COTC building located at the corner of Broad Street and Taylor Road. I encourage you to attend to hear what is planned for the parks if the levy is approved by the community in November.

If you have any questions about the proposed levy, please contact me at 740-964-2416 or I hope you are able to attend the public meeting on September 12th.

BJ King

City Administrator

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